Authoress Ti Fe

Stories: 3

Stories by name

Made for the Mafia Boss
Made for the Mafia Boss
The police placed Martina in the path of Italy's most sought drug dealer. She confronted him in a pub and tampered with one of his operations to get his attention. She finally got his attention but was at the cost of her own life and that of her sister. She was compelled to sign a contract that stated that, she had to devote the rest of her life to Roberto Galante, the drug lord.
Beyonce White is a young, beautiful, and gentle girl. Known all over Downtown street for her humility and beauty. She is 20 years old. It's so sad that Beyonce happens to be an orphan. She grew up in the orphanage home all her life and it's so sad that no one actually adopted her. And she was told that her parents were killed by the people of the town because they were engaged in witchcraft. When she was 20, she decided to leave the orphanage home to the streets. She knew she was becoming a burden to them back at the home. Ramson Salvatore, a 26 year old working class man, known for his very handsome face and muscular built body. He was nicknamed a Greek god by the women who admired his beauty. He was every ladies dream, he always had them lined up at his door begging for him to f**k them. Which he did delightfully. He was also feared for his character and association with people. He was very rude, arrogant, mean, anything you call it. It was all in him. Trust me, he gained that pride from the excess money he gained in a day. He loved to f**k women a lot. He never really had his heart for any lady apart from his mother who suffered domestic abuse from his stepfather. His mother was known as his weakness. But who can get to his mother? No one! He had her guarded 24/7. Ramson met with our gentle Beyonce on the streets where she was still in search of a job. Their meeting wasn't a pleasant one and that got Mr Hatefully really pissed. And he decided to avenge our poor Beyonce's mistake by taking her to his house.
Domando al Sr. Odioso
Domando al Sr. Odioso
Beyonce White es una joven hermosa y dulce, cuya humildad y belleza son la comidilla de la calle Downtown. A sus 20 años, su vida no ha sido fácil. Es desgarrador que Beyonce sea huérfana. Se crió en un orfanato y, lamentablemente, nunca encontró una familia que la adoptara. Se dice que sus padres fueron asesinados por los habitantes del pueblo acusados de brujería. Al cumplir los 20, Beyonce tomó la decisión de dejar el orfanato, consciente de que se había convertido en una carga para ellos. Por otro lado, está Ramson Salvatore, un trabajador de 26 años, cuyo rostro atractivo y físico musculoso le han valido el sobrenombre de "dios griego" entre sus admiradoras. Es el prototipo del hombre ideal para muchas, que se desviven por una noche con él, algo que él disfruta sin remordimientos. Su reputación también incluye un carácter temido y una actitud desafiante. Grosero, arrogante y despectivo son solo algunos adjetivos para describirlo. Su altivez, según dicen, proviene de las ingentes sumas de dinero que amasa cada día. Ramson tiene una debilidad: su madre, quien sufre el maltrato de su padrastro. Ella es su talón de Aquiles, aunque inalcanzable, protegida por él día y noche. ​ El destino quiso que Ramson y nuestra amable Beyonce se cruzaran en la calle, mientras ella buscaba empleo. Su primer encuentro fue todo menos cordial, lo que provocó la ira del Sr. Odioso. En un impulso de venganza, decidió llevarse a Beyonce a su casa para corregir lo que él consideraba un error de ella.
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